How to file a complaint against police inspector in India?

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By Legal Referencer

There are various ways to file complaint against a police inspector/officer in India. In the said article we have covered all the legal possible ways to file complaint against police inspector and also tried to answer all your questions in detail about How to file a complaint against police inspector in India. Here these are mentioned in short for your convenience;


  1. Draft a formal complaint either by typing or writing it out.
  2. Address the complaint to the Senior Police Officer at the concerned police station. Alternatively, it can also be directed to the Commissioner of Police or Deputy Superintendent (Dy. SP).
  3. Send the complaint to the police station using Registered Post Acknowledgment Due (RPAD) for secure delivery.
  4. Upon receipt, the police will take action, potentially by lodging an FIR or initiating an investigation.
  5. An officer may visit the victim or the individual filing the complaint at their residence to record their statement.


  1. Note that the process for an online complaint varies from state to state.
  2. If your respective state or city offers an online service, access it through the internet.
  3. Follow the steps provided on the website for filing a complaint.
  4. Expect a copy of the complaint or FIR to be sent to the email address provided during the filing.
  5. Ensure you provide a functional email address and/or WhatsApp contact when submitting the complaint online for effective communication.
How to file a complaint against police inspector in India?

Let us now understand in detail;

1) Understanding the Grievance:

Clearly identify the nature of your grievance against the police inspector. It could be related to misconduct, abuse of power, negligence, or any other actionable issue.

1. Misconduct: Misconduct refers to any improper behavior or violation of ethical standards by a police inspector. This can involve doing things like abusing excessive force, practicing discrimination, or acting in any way that deviates from the accepted standards of behavior in law enforcement.

2. Abuse of Power: Abuse of power involves situations where a police inspector exceeds their authority, using it for personal gain or to the detriment of individuals. This could manifest as unwarranted arrests, intimidation, or misuse of resources for personal reasons.

3. Negligence: Negligence in the context of a police inspector may encompass failure to perform duties with due diligence, leading to harm or injustice. For instance, if a police officer neglects to investigate a reported crime properly or fails to secure a crime scene, it could be considered negligence.

4. Example: Consider a scenario where a citizen reports a burglary, providing specific details about the crime and possible suspects. If the police inspector assigned to the case fails to conduct a thorough investigation, overlooks crucial evidence, or dismisses the report without proper inquiry, it could be a case of negligence. This negligence may result in the perpetrators going unpunished and the victim being denied justice.

Additionally, if during the investigation, the police inspector intimidates the victim, uses unnecessary force, or engages in discriminatory behavior based on factors such as race or gender, it could be a case of misconduct and abuse of power.

It becomes crucial in this case for the party that feels wrong to express these concerns in detail in their complaint. Giving particular examples, times, and details about the purported misbehavior, power abuse, or negligence bolsters the complaint and helps the relevant authorities make a more accurate determination. This clarity is necessary to ensure accountability within the law enforcement system and to start a fair and comprehensive inquiry.

2) Gathering Compelling Proof for Building a Strong Case Against Police Misconduct:

1. Gather any evidence supporting your complaint. This may include photographs, videos, witness statements, or any relevant documents.

2. Photographs and Videos: Visual documentation through photographs or videos can serve as powerful evidence. For instance, if you’ve experienced police misconduct during an interaction, capturing it on your phone can provide a tangible record of the events. This could include instances of undue force, intimidation, or any other actions that contravene established protocols.

3. Witness Statements: Statements from witnesses who observed the incident can significantly bolster your case. These individuals can provide independent accounts, lending credibility to your version of events. For example, if your complaint revolves around an unwarranted arrest or use of force, a witness statement can corroborate the circumstances.

4. Call Recordings and Chats: In situations involving verbal interactions or communication through phone calls or messaging apps, retaining call recordings or chat transcripts can be invaluable. These records can capture conversations that may be relevant to your complaint. For instance, if a police inspector verbally abuses you during an encounter, a recorded conversation can serve as compelling evidence.

5. Relevant Documents: Any documents related to the incident should be included. This might involve official reports, medical records if there were injuries, or any written communication with the police. For instance, if you reported an incident to the police station, retaining a copy of the report and any subsequent communication is crucial.

Example: Imagine a scenario where you believe a police inspector unlawfully seized your property during a search. In this case, taking photographs or videos of the search process, noting the time and date, and securing any relevant documents, such as a search warrant or inventory, becomes crucial evidence. Additionally, if there were witnesses present during the search, obtaining their statements or contact information can strengthen your case.

It is imperative that this evidence be arranged systematically. Presenting a strong case to the police or other appropriate authorities is made simpler by keeping a chronological record, documenting each piece of evidence, and making a clear relationship between the evidence and the claimed wrongdoing. This methodical approach raises the legitimacy of your complaint and raises the possibility of an impartial and exhaustive investigation.


How to file a complaint against police inspector in India?

3) Writing the Complaint:

Draft a detailed complaint explaining the incident, including the date, time, and location. Be specific about the actions of the police inspector that you find objectionable. Clearly state how it has affected you.

1. Drafting a Detailed Complaint: Advocating Transparency and Clarity When composing a complaint against a police inspector, the art of articulating the incident with precision is paramount. A well-constructed complaint not only serves as your narrative, but also acts as the cornerstone for any subsequent investigation or legal proceedings.

2. Incorporate Key Details: Begin by providing essential details such as the date, time, and location of the incident. This foundational information creates a chronological framework, aiding authorities in understanding the context and unfolding of events. For instance, you might state, “On the evening of January 15th, 2023, at approximately 8:30 PM, near XYZ Street…”

3. Specify Objectionable Actions: Be explicit about the actions of the police inspector that you find objectionable. Clearly outline each event, avoiding vague generalizations. For example, rather than stating, “The officer behaved aggressively,” specify the actions: “The police inspector raised their voice, used profanity, and made unwarranted physical contact.”

4. Express Impact on You: Articulate how the incident has affected you personally. This could include emotional distress, physical harm, or any violation of your rights. For instance, you might express, “As a result of the officer’s actions, I felt humiliated, anxious, and physically harmed, leading to sleepless nights and ongoing emotional distress.”

Example: Suppose your complaint revolves around an unwarranted arrest. Your detailed complaint could read, “On the mentioned date and time, I was peacefully walking home when the police inspector abruptly detained me without proper explanation or justification. The officer failed to communicate the reason for the arrest, denying me my right to understand the charges against me. This arbitrary action, not only infringed upon my basic rights but also subjected me to public embarrassment and distress.”

4) Visit the Local Police Station:

Approach the police station closest to the location where the incident occurred. Request to meet with the duty officer or the station in-charge to submit your complaint.

1. Filing the First Information Report (FIR): In cases of serious misconduct, the police may register a First Information Report (FIR) based on your complaint. This is a crucial legal document that initiates the investigation process.  Initiating the Complaint Process When you decide to file a complaint against a police inspector, the initial steps involve visiting the local police station and formally submitting your grievances.

2. Visit the Local Police Station: Start by approaching the police station nearest to the location where the incident transpired. This geographical proximity is crucial for the jurisdiction to handle your case effectively. Upon arriving at the station, request to meet with the duty officer or the in-charge, explaining your intention to submit a formal complaint. Be prepared to provide details of the incident, ensuring clarity and conciseness.

For instance, if you experienced verbal abuse from a police inspector during a routine traffic stop, your visit to the local police station involves narrating the incident, specifying when and where it occurred, and expressing your desire to file a formal complaint.

3. Filing the First Information Report (FIR): In situations where your complaint involves serious misconduct or criminal offenses, the police may register a First Information Report (FIR) based on the information you provide. An FIR is a vital legal document that kick-starts the official investigation process. It outlines the nature of the offense, identifies the parties involved, and includes a preliminary account of the incident.

Continuing with the previous example, if the verbal abuse during the traffic stop escalates to threats or intimidation, the police might register an FIR based on your complaint. This FIR serves as the foundational document for the subsequent investigation, ensuring that the legal system formally recognizes the alleged misconduct.

How to file a complaint against police inspector in India

5) Request a Copy of the FIR:

1. Ensure that you receive a copy of the FIR, as it serves as official documentation of your complaint and the police’s acknowledgment of it. The investigating officer has an obligation to record your complaint against a police officer as soon as you visit the local police station. This is a crucial step in the legal process because it guarantees that complaints are formally recorded and open to inquiry. An acknowledgement receipt, which is an essential document that formally registers your complaint, should be given to you by the officer.

2. The acknowledgement receipt, which usually contains important information, acts as documentation that you have filed a complaint. The time and date of the complaint, the police officer’s identity, and a special complaint number are all included in this data. This paperwork is essential for monitoring the development of your complaint.

If you wish to obtain a copy of the First Information Report (FIR) associated with your complaint, the process involves making a formal request at the police station. You may approach the same officer who registered your complaint or inquire at the front desk. It is essential to be polite but persistent in your request. Legally, you have the right to access information related to your own complaint.

Provide information about the incident, including the date, time, and place, together with your name and the complaint number, if it is available, to help the process go more smoothly. While the police station could have particular protocols for acquiring a copy of the FIR, tenacity and unambiguous communication would facilitate a more seamless request process. Recall that your cooperation and attention to the set protocol will increase the chances of receiving the documents required for your records or any future legal actions.

6) Follow-up and Investigation:

Regularly follow up with the police station to check on the progress of the investigation. You have the right to be informed about the status of your complaint. -Navigating the Process: Follow-Up and Investigation

Once you’ve filed a complaint against a police officer, staying informed and engaged in the follow-up process is crucial to ensuring a thorough investigation. Here’s a guide on what to expect and how to navigate the follow-up and investigation phases.

Regular Follow-Up:After your complaint has been officially registered, it’s essential to maintain regular follow-up with the police station. This involves checking in periodically to inquire about the progress of the investigation. Communication channels with the investigating officer or the designated point of contact at the station can provide updates on the status of your complaint.

For example, if your complaint involves an incident of police misconduct during a protest, you might follow up at the police station to inquire about the steps taken to investigate the officer’s actions.

1. Right to Information: As a complainant, you have the right to be informed about the status of your complaint. The police station is obligated to provide updates on the investigation upon your request. Staying engaged in this manner allows you to stay abreast of developments and ensures transparency in the process.

2. Investigation Process: Following the registration of your complaint, the police initiate the investigative process.

This comprises a variety of tasks, such as visiting the scene of the incident, obtaining relevant evidence, and conducting witness interviews. To ascertain the particulars of the alleged misconduct, a comprehensive data compilation is intended.

In the instance given above, if your complaint relates to an incident that occurred during a protest, the police may review security camera footage, consult with witnesses, and obtain any further information that sheds light on the officer’s behavior.

3. Potential Arrest: The police have the right to arrest the accused officer if, after conducting a thorough investigation, they find that there is enough evidence. This measure guarantees accountability for any criminal activity and is in accordance with legal procedures.

The steps of follow-up and research must be approached with perseverance and patience.

How to file a complaint against police inspector in India

7) Approach the Superintendent of Police (SP):

If you are dissatisfied with the response at the local police station, you can escalate the matter by approaching the Superintendent of Police (SP) of the district.
Human Rights Commission or State Police Complaint Authority:

If the issue persists, you can file a complaint with the State Human Rights Commission or the State Police Complaint Authority, which are independent bodies tasked with investigating complaints against police officers.

1. Seeking Justice Beyond the Local Police Station If, for any reason, you find the response at the local police station unsatisfactory in addressing your complaint against a police officer, there are avenues for escalation that allow you to pursue justice effectively.

2. Approaching the Superintendent of Police (SP): When dissatisfied with the progress or handling of your complaint at the local level, you have the right to escalate the matter by approaching the Superintendent of Police (SP) of the district. The SP holds a higher rank and authority within the police hierarchy and may be able to intervene, review the case, and ensure that your grievance is thoroughly addressed.

For example, if your complaint involves a lack of progress in investigating an incident of police brutality, approaching the SP allows you to present your concerns at a higher administrative level.

3. Human Rights Commission or State Police Complaint Authority: If your concerns persist and you believe that your complaint requires an independent review, you can file a complaint with either the State Human Rights Commission or the State Police Complaint Authority. These bodies operate independently of the police force and are tasked with impartially investigating complaints against police officers.

Continuing with the example, if your complaint involves a violation of your human rights during an arrest, approaching the State Human Rights Commission ensures an external review of the case, potentially leading to a fair and unbiased resolution.

These impartial organizations are able to investigate allegations in-depth, guaranteeing that justice is done and due process is observed. Making a complaint with these organizations adds another level of supervision and raises the bar for law enforcement accountability.

8) Legal Assistance:

If required, seek legal advice or hire a lawyer to guide you through the process, especially if you plan to escalate the complaint to higher authorities or approach the judiciary.
Remember to remain calm and factual when presenting your complaint. Providing clear and accurate information, along with any supporting evidence, strengthens your case and increases the likelihood of a fair investigation. Navigating the Legal Landscape: Seeking Counsel in the Pursuit of Justice

Having legal counsel involved when handling a complaint against a police officer can greatly improve your capacity to handle the process’s intricacies. 

1. Seeking Legal Assistance: If you encounter challenges or complexities in the course of filing a complaint or if you plan to escalate the matter, seeking legal advice becomes a prudent step.

For instance, if your complaint involves intricate legal nuances or if you’re considering legal action against the police officer, consulting with a lawyer ensures that you are well-informed about your rights, potential courses of action, and the overall legal landscape.

2. Role of a Lawyer: A lawyer can assist you in preparing and presenting your case, especially when dealing with higher authorities or approaching the judiciary. They can offer insights into legal procedures, help you draft formal documents, and advocate on your behalf.

3. Remaining Calm and Factual: Regardless of whether you have legal representation or not, it is crucial to remain calm and factual when presenting your complaint. Emotions, while understandable, should not overshadow the objective presentation of the facts. Clearly and accurately articulate the details of the incident, focusing on the key elements that support your case.

For example, if your complaint involves police misconduct during an arrest, a lawyer can help you structure your account, emphasizing the relevant legal aspects and ensuring that your presentation aligns with the requirements of legal proceedings.

4. Supporting Evidence: Working with a lawyer can also help you organize and present supporting evidence more effectively. This might be witness accounts, images, movies, or any other supporting documentation for your case. Legal counsel guarantees that the way your evidence is presented complies with legal requirements and is both pertinent and appropriate.

How to file a complaint against police inspector in India


Police Complaint Authority (PCA)

1.The Police Complaint Authority (PCA) was established.

The Indian Supreme Court (SC) issued a decision that led to the creation of the Police Complaint Authority (PCA) in 2006. States were required by the direction to restructure their police forces following the historic ruling in the Prakash case. The SC’s judgment attempted to address the growing volume of police misconduct allegations as well as the system’s apparent lack of accountability.

Explanation: In order to ensure accountability and provide a means of addressing a variety of complaints against the police, PCA was established in response to the necessity for structural reforms within the police force.

2. Directives for Structural Police Reform:

The SC’s directives, post the Prakash case, urged states to establish Police Complaint Authorities at both the state and district levels. This was to be implemented immediately to enhance accountability within the police force.
Justification: The need for an impartial body that could look into significant accusations against the police and the mounting worries about police misbehavior led to the structural reform.

3. Purpose and Scope of Police Complaint Authority:

The primary purpose of establishing Police Complaint Authorities was to address the surge in complaints against the police and to introduce accountability. It made that the public had easy access to a local system that handled a wide range of complaints, including the most serious ones.

4. Types of Complaints Investigated by PCA:

The Police Complaint Authority is tasked with investigating accusations of “Serious Misconduct” against police personnel. Such accusations can be filed by victims, their representatives, the National or State Human Rights Commission, the police, or any other credible source.
Explanation: “Serious Misconduct” includes offenses like death in police custody, grievous hurt, rape or attempted rape, arrest or detention without due process of law, extortion, land/house grabbing, or any incident involving serious abuse of authority.

5. Criteria for Investigation by PCA:

The Authority is empowered to investigate complaints only after being satisfied with the truthfulness of the allegations. This ensures a thorough and reliable examination of the complaints before they are officially taken up for investigation.
Explanation: The screening procedure emphasizes the dedication to carrying out reliable inquiries and upholding the accuracy of the complaints that the PCA receives.

How to file a complaint against police inspector in India


1. Document the Incident:

Start by documenting the details of the incident thoroughly. Include the date, time, location, and a clear account of what transpired. Collect any supporting evidence, such as photographs, videos, or witness statements, to strengthen your case.
Explanation: Comprehensive documentation ensures that you have a clear and accurate account of the incident to present to the Police Complaint Authority (PCA).

1. Incident Overview: Provide a detailed account of the incident, outlining what transpired. Clearly articulate the sequence of events to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

2. Timeline of the Incident: Specify when the incident occurred, including the date and time. This chronological detail helps establish a context for the complaint.

3. Identification of the Police Official: Clearly state the name and address of the police official against whom you are lodging the complaint. Include details about the specific police station where the official is stationed.

4. Actions or Words Involved: Describe in precise terms what was said or done during the incident. This could include any actions or statements made by the police official that are pertinent to your complaint.

5. Presence of Witnesses: Indicate whether there were any witnesses present at the time of the incident. If so, provide details about who witnessed the events, and if available, share their contact information.

6. Contact Information of Witnesses: If you have contact details for the witnesses, include them in your complaint. This information can be crucial for the investigative process and may help corroborate your account.

7. Loss or Damage Incurred: Clearly outline any loss or damage you incurred as a result of the incident. This could include physical harm, emotional distress, financial losses, or any other consequences directly linked to the actions of the police official.

2. Identify the Type of Misconduct:

Determine the nature of the misconduct you’re filing a complaint about. It could involve offenses like death in police custody, grievous hurt, rape or attempted rape, arrest without due process, extortion, land/house grabbing, or serious abuse of authority.
Explanation: Clearly identifying the type of misconduct helps the PCA assess the severity of the complaint and assign the appropriate level of scrutiny.

3. Contact the PCA Office:

Locate the nearest PCA office in your district or state. Contact them to inquire about the specific procedures for filing a complaint. Obtain information about required documents, formats, and any additional details necessary for submission.
Explanation: Direct communication with the PCA office ensures that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information on the filing process.

4. Complete the Complaint Form:

Obtain and complete the official complaint form provided by the PCA. Ensure that all required fields are filled accurately. Attach supporting documents and evidence to substantiate your claims.
Explanation: The complaint form serves as an official record of your grievance and provides a structured format for presenting essential information to the PCA.

5. File the Complaint:

Submit the completed complaint form along with supporting documents to the PCA office. Keep a copy of the submitted documents for your records. Note the date and time of submission for future referenc
Explanation: Filing the complaint initiates the official process, and maintaining a copy ensures that you have evidence of your formal grievance.

6. Follow-Up with the PCA:

Regularly follow up with the PCA to inquire about the status of your complaint. Follow-ups can be taken through phone calls or in-person visits. Stay informed about any additional information or steps required from your end.
Explanation: Active follow-up ensures that your complaint remains on the radar and demonstrates your commitment to seeking resolution.

7. Seek Legal Advice if Necessary:

If you encounter challenges or complexities during the process, consider seeking legal advice. A lawyer being an expert of legal fields and procedures can provide guidance on the legal aspects of your complaint and ensure that you navigate the system effectively.
Explanation: Legal advice can be particularly beneficial if your case requires additional support or if you plan to escalate the matter further.

8. Cooperate with PCA Investigations:

If the PCA decides to investigate your complaint, cooperate fully with their inquiries. it is the duty of complainant to Provide any additional information or assistance they may require during the investigative process.
Explanation: It is also a duty of Complainant to to cooperate fully to demonstrate your commitment to a thorough and impartial investigation, fostering the credibility of your complaint.
Filing a complaint with the Police Complaint Authority involves a structured and systematic approach.


If the complaint submitted to the Superintendent of Police fails to yield a favorable outcome for the victim, there is an alternative course of action available. The victim has the option to visit the nearest Magistrate and formally register their complaint. In this process, a complainant or victim can present their case directly to the Magistrate by outlining the details of the incident and expressing dissatisfaction with the previous response from the Superintendent of Police.

Upon receiving the complaint, the Magistrate holds the authority to intervene and issue an order to the police, instructing them to register a First Information Report (FIR). The FIR is a legal document that formally initiates the investigation process into the reported incident. By involving the Magistrate in this stage, the victim seeks an impartial and authoritative intervention to ensure that their complaint is not overlooked and that the due legal process is set in motion.

This step underscores the significance of seeking judicial recourse when administrative channels prove insufficient in addressing grievances. Being a higher legal authority, the Magistrate’s involvement makes matter legally effective and ensured the complaint is duly considered and that necessary actions, such as registering an FIR, are taken promptly. The victim’s visit to the Magistrate’s court by way of filing an application serves as a means to secure their rights, access legal remedies, and prompt a more assertive response to the reported incident.


1. Can you file complaint against police officer India?

You have the right to file a complaint in the Police Complaints Authority (PCA) or in an authority within your local area or district. This complaint can also be lodged by any individual who has witnessed police misconduct

2. What happens if police misbehave?

Pursuing legal remedies involves reporting incidents to bodies like the Police Complaint Authority (PCA) or utilizing internal complaint mechanisms. It’s crucial to preserve evidence—photos, testimonies—and seek guidance from a lawyer for assistance at every stage of the legal process.

3. How do I write a letter of complaint against a police officer?

To draft a complaint against a police officer, start by detailing the incident, including dates, times, and specifics of the officer’s actions. Be concise, factual, and include any evidence or witnesses. Clearly state the officer’s misconduct and how it affected you. Address the letter to the relevant authority, such as the Police Complaint Authority or the officer’s superior. Request an investigation into the matter and specify the resolution you seek. Be respectful but assertive in your language, seeking justice and a fair resolution.

4. How do I complain about a corrupt officer?

According to Rule 4 of the Karnataka Lokayukta Rules 1985, every complaint must be submitted using Form I, signed by the complainant. It should also be accompanied by an Affidavit in Form II, duly sworn before an authorized officer or Notary Public. This formal procedure ensures the authenticity and legal validity of the complaint filed with the Karnataka Lokayukta.

5. What happens if police officers are not taking action on complaint?

If a police officer refuses to accept your complaint, you have options. Visit the office of senior officers and submit your complaint there. Alternatively, send your complaint via registered post to both the senior officers and the concerned police station. This ensures your complaint reaches the appropriate authorities even if initially rejected by the officer at the station.


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